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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Access blocked websites?

For the starters here is a way, "proxies"
These are websites which acts as a tunnel through which you can browse yet other sites.
There are numerous proxies out there, If you want to try the ones not mentioned below well they are a Google search away.
These are two of the proxies i have had tried -

for more Google is your best friend ;)

There are yet few more ways to brows blocked sites but i ll be skipping to the coolest one.
Now in some places these proxies too are blocked, how do you browse these sites now?
worry not there's a way.
this is called TOR. its a browser which encrypts (kind of locking or hiding for the less technical ones) your connections and makes it looks as if you are browsing from some other place other that where you are to someone who is using  tor and whose in in some far away place. so the more of us use tor the more less likely it is to be safe. Actually this browser was build by some highly secretive government organizations for their connection to be safe (from hackers off-course) and this browser is not only used for browsing blocked sites, its used more by people for there anonymity across the web. well enough of history now let me get to the point, so tor.... yeah you can download it from and if its blocked, well once you are on your vacation at home you could download it, and for those more curious you could use other connections that is not blocked, may be connect to the internet on your computer through your mobile and download it or cafe could be even easy. and once you have got it you don't even need to install it just run it and browse whatever... yes i said what ever you want. And ah yeah blocked porn sites too can be accessed. Having that said you will not be able to browse Facebook with tor since Facebook is a pain in the ass. It track your web activity so it wont let you browse through tor. And for educational purpose using of Facebook is not a good idea. well if you want more on why i am telling you this you could ask me to post another page about it and i would be more that happy to tell you why. tell me how it did or did not help you in the comments below also any problems you faced will be clarified  as long as they land on the comments. And if you want me to post on something you could always ask heck request in the comment below. ;)

P.s. if you want more to how tor works you could read it on tor's official site mentioned above and you could always ask in the comments. happy browsing :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

how to download big files faster?

Hi, well i know i have been away for a while, its because i write very occasionally. So whats the topic today its called bittorrent.
What exactly is bittorrent? o.O
Bit-torrent is a way to download things faster, files like movies and games.though most of the downloads are not leagel yet when u have been turned off with every possibility to get things, i mean when U can't find something you are searching nowhere, there is a very less chance that U will not get a torrent for that "something" U are searching. So bittorrent, its a cool way of downloading, rather then fetching the download from a site like other downloads, its much different with bittorrent.well in bottorrent we do it peer to peer, meaning when we download we also upload and that upload, is uploading of the file you allardy have downloaded and as you download its from someone, many people rather.

Well i get it but now what?
ok so since you now have a rough idea of what bittorrent is lets move on the "how to download".
first to do it you need to have a bit-torrent client, here are some examples- bittorrent, utorrent, vuse, deluge and so on. And dont mistake the programme you download "bittorrent" to be what i explained in the Question above, its a program names so. so now that you have got a programme, i recommend utorrent if you are a beginner.

so you got the progeramme now you need to get a file (.torrent) and then open it using the programme i mentioned above. Then u ll be downloading things.

So where do i get these files? :/
there are a lot of sites to download from but before that you ll need to know a bit more about bit-torrent. As you download you should (not necessarily) upload as much as u download. since someone's download depends on your upload. some sites keep track of your upload and then later will give you less download speed. your download speed will depend on many things, the most important your ISP (Internet service provider) who most of the time will restrict your P2P (peer to peer) download as this type of download creates a lot of traffic. but my ISP doesn't do it. ;)
the second thing is when you download you will need other to upload as you know so these group of noble people who are sharing the file after they have finished downloading by uploading are called seeders, and the process is called seeding, so as you download the .torrent file make sure you get the file with the highest number of seeds and also make sure you too upload  in a ratio of 1:1 that is upload as much as you download.

now that u have got a idea of how to share here are some siter you would like to see to download those .torrent files-

 for more you could do a Google search, my personal favorite is though.

And also make sure to download the files depending to your connection speed. mines like 20 kbps at the most :( so i have to download little files like 1 or 2 GB if i want to download it fast. but you could always go for bigger size, it just takes more time to download though. and if you are downloading movies be sure to look at what files you are downloading like as in quality.usually DVDRip files are of good quality, but there are a lot of other types, if you want a good quality file as well as in small size you would like to see this site called And remember to read comments on those files in the download page, if u dont read the comments or if there are no comments chances are there you will download virus and or bad/corrupt files.
well now you have got it. yeah happy downloading. and do say something about the post if you find it useful in the comment below.also if you come through do ask in the comments. and yeah for those of you who read my bolg if anybody, do comment what you want the next blog topic to be, i ll try to do it as you ask. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

So this is my first post, and today's post is about Operating system, its been a few days i have ventured on to a search for an ideal OS that satisfies my expectation. so i started by downloading ubuntu 10.0 which is one of the most used opensourse os. It all started for me not being satisfied with what windows has to offer, but no i don't mean windows is not good, its is an absolutely awesome os but the limitation it offers to its user is what made me switch. Now having said that, i am not a windows super user and even a linux super user but when it comes to all free softwares opensource has to offer, it made me more and more interested in it. "it's designed by the users for the users" is what linux is about, but when it comes to windows it is developed entire for the consumers and the users have to comply with what all features it comes with, for instance most of us don't really like to use Internet explorer, but we cannot remove it and use firefox or goggle chrome in its place, and when it comes to linux we could entirely change all the softwares it comes with and make it the way we like, and those softwares are all but free, you could get all the info about the os and its compatibility on the forums, you could raise questions and answer some. linux runes on almost all pc or mac, no matter how old your PC is, it runs just fine on a pc with 32 mb of ram and its totally free of any viruses out there since its designed by the users for the users.

 But theres one thing that troubles newbies when it comes to linux, it doesn't have a really good graphical user interface as compared to windows but the developments that have been made so far, it actually has a good enough user interface, take ubuntu for instance, its a perfect os to get started with.

If you too are willing to go out there and get the best out of opnsource, i would recommend you to use ubuntu 11.4, since its stable as of the time of writing this, though 11.10 too is released, its not that stable.

To start off i would also recommend you to use wubi, this way, using wubi you won't have to format your existing system, wubi stands for "windows ubuntu installer" and once installed it gets installed inside of windows and later you could reboot and log into ubuntu and well check how awesome it is, once installed and u are good go, go through the forums to learn more, for you will have to learn it from scratches since most of us are used to improved GUI (graphical user interface) in windows where you needn't use much of commands, but in linux you need to learn to use command lines through terminal.

That having said check out the awesomeness of opensource and do comment about your opinion.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

These are few geeky lines i have had collected.

1. There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don’t.

2. You know it’s love when you memorize her IP number to skip DNS overhead

3. I had a dream… and there were 1’s and 0’s everywhere, and I think I saw a 2!

4. If at first you don’t succeed, call it version 1.0

5. I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code

6. Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue…

7. A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those?

8. Windows 98 supports real multitasking - it can boot and crash simultaneously

9. Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof                                                                                          programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

10. The speed of sound is defined by the distance from door to computer divided by the time interval needed to close the media player and pull up your pants when your mom shouts “OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!

11. The glass is neither half-full nor half-empty: it’s twice as big as it needs to be.

12. Passwords are like underwear. You shouldn’t leave them out where people can see them. You should change them regularly. And you shouldn’t loan them out to strangers

13.  Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination. — Albert Einstein

14. 1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d

15. I’m not anti-social; I’m just not user friendly